How do I ask my boyfriend to marry me?

Don’t want to wait for him until he finally proposes? Why would you! The days in which the man has to ask the wife to marry are long gone. You might as well ask him. Not sure how to do it? And are you sure he wants to marry you? Otherwise, why hasn’t he proposed himself? There are likely to be a lot of doubts when you want to prepare a proposal. Think it over beforehand. 

Make sure he wants to marry

Of course, it can break your heart when you ask your boyfriend to marry you and he says ‘no’. Therefore, find out if he wants to marry you. Maybe he once told you or you feel the time has come. Anyway, make sure it feels good.

Make sure you want it too

Do you want to get married to get married? Then perhaps it’s better to think it over a bit longer. It’s important that you really want to get married. Do you panic at the thought that you are with this man for the rest of your life? Perhaps, it’s not the right time. It’s a decision that you should consider carefully. 

It’s about him

Of course, you can ask your boyfriend to marry because you want this yourself. However, during the proposal it’s about him. Focus om him and make clear why you want to marry him. Show that you haven’t only thought about yourself but also about him. This increases the chance that the proposal will be successful.

Think about his ego

Men will always be men. Perhaps he will be a little angry that you have stolen his job from him. He is the man and he wants to ask you to marry you. So, make sure that you have given him enough time and that you already clearly indicated that you want to marry. If he still doesn’t ask and you finally do the proposal, come up with an alternative for him. For example, he could ask you back with a ring.

Buy a present for both of you

Giving an engagement ring to your boyfriend, might be a little bit awkward. Instead you could buy him something else. For example, something that you can both wear. For example, a bracelet. It doesn’t have to be expensive, as long as it is meaningful.  

Take it seriously

Even if it feels crazy to propose him, take it seriously. He would do the same if he asked you to marry. Choose a nice day, a beautiful location and preferably one that has meaning for both of you. Think of your favorite restaurant or the place where you first kissed each other. Also prepare personal elements in your proposal such as memories you share and why he is special to you. Just make sure everything is as you had hoped. The only difference is that you will ask instead of him.

Plan everything

Make sure everything is well planned. Be aware of the things that can go wrong. Keep these things in mind such as the traffic or a full restaurant. If you have planned everything well, you can be sure nothing will go wrong during the proposal.

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