Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fall Photo Time!

It's that time of year already! School is back in session. Football season is about to begin. Soon, there will be a chill in the air and before we know it, the holiday season will be upon us. Time seems to pass faster and faster every year, doesn't it? Now is the time, though to schedule the fall family photo shoot. This is a great time to have portraits done as the summer tans have not yet faded and the weather is still pleasant enough to get some great location shots. These photos make great gifts for friends and family and are done in time to get those holiday cards ordered and addressed so they can be delivered on time. Not to mention the fact you can get them ready to go before things get REALLY crazy! For just a $75 sitting fee, you will get a one hour shoot for up to 4 people, 3 months of online proofing and one 8 x 10 image of your choice.

Call and book your appointment before September 12 and receive a $25 online print credit to get your holiday gift shopping started!

Call today to schedule your appointment before the calendar is filled.

Rebecca Doster Photography

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I last looked at this site! Time certainly does fly!

Well, the decision is official...I am, at long last, taking my photography from part-time to a complete full-time photography business and I have to say, I am completely ecstatic! I really do love making photographs, meeting great people, who become loyal clients, and meeting and hanging out with other photographers. What a great life! There is a lot I need to learn as the industry has gone completely digital, but it is very exciting to be in the learning curve and catch up on the cool technology. I have been working on teaching myself Photoshop for the last month and have joined Pictage.com in order to post my photo shoots on-line and make ordering photos simpler for my clients. For the time being, I am remaining a "film photographer," though. After researching my industry favorite, Meg Smith (www.megsmith.com) and hearing a lecture by the amazing celebrity wedding photographer, Joe Buissink (www.joebuissink.com), I am learning that my dedication to film is an actual style preference as both of these inspirational photographers still shoot film (though Joe does mix in some digital). I had some fears that I was clinging to film because it's what I know, but alas, I am really still not onboard the "digital train." Film has a depth and soul that digital cannot achieve even in the best of circumstances. I'll keep you posted if my preference changes!

I will soon be posting photos from a beautiful wedding I recently shot in North Carolina, so check back often. Thanks for checking in today. Posts will be made on a regular basis from here on out!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Welcome to Rebecca Doster Photography

Thanks for visiting my blog! I will be using this space to exhibit my work and share my passion for photography. Growing up, I never would have guessed that I would become a professional photographer, but when I began this journey in 1998, I unleashed a passion that continues to grow. I LOVE people and thoroughly enjoy seeing what I can get out of my camera. I hope you, too, will enjoy my work. If you do, please contact me to schedule a private shoot of your own!